/ Publications


Title Author Date Journal Publication
Asymptotically Unbiased Estimation of Physical Observables with Neural Samplers Kim A. Nicoli, Shinichi Nakajima, Nils Strodthoff, Wojciech Samek, Klaus-Robert Müller, Pan Kessel 2020-02-10 PHYSICAL REVIEW E TU Berlin, Fraunhofer HHI, Korea Uni.
An Efficient Explorative Sampling Considering the Generative Boundaries of Deep Generative Neural Networks Giyoung Jeon, Haedong Jeong, Jaesik Choi 2020-02-10 AAAI-20 UNIST, KAIST
Relative Attributing Propagation: Interpreting the Comparative Contributions of Individual Units in Deep Neural Networks Woo-Jeoung Nam, Shir Gur, Jaesik Choi, Lior Wolf, Seong-Whan Lee 2020-02-10 AAAI-20 Korea Uni., Tel Aviv Uni., Facebook, KAIST
Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Continuous Action Spaces with Value Gradients Jongmin Lee, Wonseok Jeon, Geon-Hyeong Kim, Kee-Eung Kim 2020-02-10 AAAI-20 KAIST, Quebec AI Institute, McGill Uni.
Deep Mixed Effect Model using Gaussian Processes: A Personalized and Reliable Prediction for Healthcare Ingyo Chung, Saehoon Kim, Juho Lee, Kwang Joon Kim, Sung Ju Hwang, Eunho Yang 2020-02-10 AAAI-20 KAIST, AITRICS, Yonsei Uni.
Towards Oracle Knowledge Distillation with Neural Architecture Search Minsoo Kang, Jonghwan Mun, Bohyung Han 2020-02-09 AAAI-20 Seoul National Uni., POSTECH
Context-Aware Zero-Shot Recognition Ruotian Luo, Ning Zhang, Bohyung Han, Linjie Yang 2020-02-09 AAAI-20 TTI-Chicago, Vaitl Inc, Seoul National Uni., ByteDance AI Lab
Features Spaces and a Learning System for Structural-temporal Data, and Their Application on a Use Case of Real-time Communication Network Validation Data G. Schwenk, B. Jochinke, K.-R. Müller 2020-02-06 PLOS One TU Berlin, korea Uni.
Unsupervised learning of a deep neural network for metal artifact correction using dual‐polarity readout gradients Kinam Kwon, Dongchan Kim, Byungjai Kim, HyunWook Park 2020-01-01 MRM2019 KAIST, Gachon Uni.
Few-Shot Learning With Geometric Constraints Hong-Gyu Jung, Seong-Whan Lee 2020-01-01 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Korea Uni.